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Happy Beltane or May Day as we welcome in May. Originally May was named after the Greek fertility goddess Maia but was later designated the month of the virgin Mary by the Catholics celebrating her as the Queen of May.  This flower filled month kicks off with the celebration of Beltane.

Beltane is the midpoint between the spring equinox and the summer solstice marking the imminent arrival of summer all around us as we are surrounded by evidence of the fertility of nature offering us an opportunity to decide what seeds to nurture and which need to be weeded out in the physical realm as well as the the garden  of our life.

This celebration honours the coming together of the masculine and the feminine giving thanks for the life-giving energy of the Sun necessary for all living things.  Historically in the days before internet dating and viagra this would have  been a time for matchmaking and bonfires would be lit for couples to jump over thus enhancing their fertility.

Ultimately, this is a festival celebrating the light and love of the world that surrounds us as love is life expressing itself. The mythology was the green man, the symbol of renewal, was reborn each year at this time and he would impregnate the may queen birthing new life into the world. The maypole which is believed to have dated back to mediaeval times is the symbol of the masculine and the feminine with the ribbons relating to  the interconnectedness of nature.

Why not think about how you can celebrate love this month by introducing some practices to look after yourself. It may sound like a cliche but to love others you have to love yourself first.

Some ideas might be taking time off social media, dancing to your facourite music, preparing a home cooked meal or buying yourself some flowers. If you like to work with crystals then consider rose quartz.

“Love is a state of Being. Your love is not outside; it is deep within you. You can never lose it, and it cannot leave you. It is not dependent on some other body, some external form”. Eckhart Tolle

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