Winter Solstice Sister ceremony
Yoga, sound healing, movement medicine, meditation and cacao to celebrate Yule
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This class...
"Winter is a season of recovery and preparation" Paul Theroux Combining two yoga practices with sound healing, movement medicine, journalling, sharing circle, guided meditations and cacao let's come together to pause and take stock as we accept nature's invitation to rest, review and process all that we have done over the year. The winter solstice sees the shortest day of the year and it’s the least productive time in nature’s annual cycle. Our modern world tries to banish the darkness and in a culture that doesn’t stop it's a radical act to make time for reflection. Winter is a time to gather our energy, still and get quiet just as nature does before action. The winter solstice serves as a sacred pause - a natural time to turn in, restore and nourish ourselves, ready to bloom again in spring. The winter solstice is the perfect time to carve out some space to do nothing as we nurture and care for ourselves in a special way. It's only in the darkness that we can birth the light ensuring that when we do take action it isn’t coming from a place of fear and panic but from the stillness of our hearts ensuring our dreams and visions that we bring into the light in the year ahead are in alignment with our soul and spirit. This winter solstice sister circle ceremony honours this sacred pause as we welcome in this time to heal, prepare and restore. Please note the venue for this is St James Road Methodist Church, St James Road, Shirley SO15 5HE
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You can cancel a class and have a credit to your account anytime within 12 hours of the start of class. All courses are non refundable Retreats have a separate terms and conditions which will be sent to you upon booking.
Contact Details
36 Darwin Road Southampton SO15 5BX 36 Darwin Road, Southampton SO15 5BX, UK